Dance Films
7 short films choreographed by Liz Milwe
Click on arrow in middle of frame to start video
Polinator Pathway
(1:12 min.) is a video about the diminishing population of the Monarch Butterfly
Only You
"Only You" (6:30 min.) is a film showing students having fun in the cafeteria
The Wedding
"The Wedding" (7 min) spans the wedding day of a hip hop
dancer and his flamenco bride, as they make their way from
separate spaces to the alter, fusing two styles and two lives.
Harlem Shake Hop
"Schoolhouse Hop" (7 min.) Hip Hop Dance for beginners, filmed in a school cafeteria with hip hop dancer roger g and his posse
Chicken Noodle Soup
"Chicken Noodle Soup" (6 min.) is a film showing students
having fun in the cafeteria
Beach Dreams
"BeachDreams" (9 min) is a film following three women as they stroll,lounge, and exult in a day at the beach.
Harlem Shake
"Harlem Shake" (3 min) celebrates the hip hop dance. Choreography by Liz Milwe & Roger G Westport, Ct.